Colorful Grand Rapids Maternity Photos | Nicole, Ben, and Rosie

My friends Nicole and Ben are expecting baby #2 any day now!

Nicole and I chatted and decided she should do a last minute maternity session and I am so happy we did! Can you believe that Nicole is 37 weeks pregnant in these photos!? She looks amazing.

Rosie is going to be the best big sister and is pretty excited for her new baby to come. I love the photo below of Rosie showing her belly. That is what happened when we asked her where the baby was and it was the cutest so I just had to put that image in the set.

I can’t wait to meet Nicole and Ben’s newest family member. What is your vote? A boy or girl?

See some of Nicole and Ben’s past sessions: Maternity, Rosie newborn, Rosie 1 year.



Family Lifestyle Maternity

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